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Since 1993, Rhoads Creative has lived by one motto: we are not your typical ad agency. Instead, WE THINK DIFFERENT. To celebrate we've highlighted projects from our past that demonstrate the five core values of how we think different.

Continuing to Think Different

Even as digital marketing moves into AI, TikTok, and more, these five core values continue to define Rhoads Creative now and into the future.

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The Rhoad Less Traveled

Trends in digital marketing that people should be talking about but are not

Advertising on Streaming Services: The Next Frontier for Home Builders

Posted 5.17.2023

In the world of video advertising, YouTube has become the dominant player in many industries, including home building (if you are not running YouTube ads, give us a call 610-430-8141). With its cost-per-view model, YouTube only makes advertisers pay when a viewer doesn’t skip your video, giving it immense branding impact for a small cost on the platform.

Ad on YouTube

New Platforms for Video Advertising

If your video advertising strategy solely relies on YouTube, you’re missing out on an ever-expanding universe of online advertising opportunities. Major streaming services like Netflix, Disney+ and Hulu are opening their platforms to advertisers like you.

These platforms enable businesses to reach their prospective customers highly targeted, non-intrusively. Unlike traditional TV ads, where viewers often channel-hop during commercials, streaming ads are seamlessly integrated into the viewing experience. This means more eyes on your ads and potentially higher engagement rates.

Ad Running on Hulu

Research indicates that video advertising on streaming services is incredibly effective. In 2022, Roku reported that ads on its platform were 67% more effective in driving purchase intent than traditional broadcast TV ads. Similarly, Hulu reported a 42% increase in ad-supported subscribers in the past year alone, indicating a broad and receptive audience for advertisers.

Because of Rhoads Creative’s dedication to innovation in digital marketing, we were selected as one of the first 100 agencies to test these platforms. In these tests, our results match and exceed these studies. The success we’ve experienced further emphasizes the potential of these platforms.

More and More Ad Supported Accounts 

An equally exciting development is the rise of ad-supported subscription models. More and more viewers are opting for cheaper, ad-inclusive subscriptions. A Deloitte study found that 62% of U.S. consumers subscribe to an ad-supported video service. As these audiences grow, so do opportunities to connect with potential home buyers.

Ad vs Ad Free HBO Max

Don’t Wait! 

Despite these promising advancements, the home building industry has typically been slower to adapt to such trends. It’s reminiscent of the initial hesitation surrounding Geo-Fencing and YouTube Ads. However, these strategies have proven not to be passing fads but industry standards. Advertising on streaming services is following suit.

Person Getting Left Behind on a Run

By embracing these platforms now, home builders can get a jump on their competitors and establish a presence where their audience is spending an ever-increasing amount of time (Even in 55+).

Just as you wouldn’t construct a house without a solid foundation, don’t build your video advertising strategy without considering the impact and potential of advertising on streaming services. This is not a trend to overlook but an opportunity to jump into immediately.

Ready to bring your video advertising strategy up to speed? Contact Rhoads Creative today to start capitalizing on the power of advertising on streaming platforms. Don’t wait; seize the opportunity and get ahead of the competition.

"100 terms on page 1 of Google in under 3 months – and home sales are soaring!"

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