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The Rhoad Less Traveled

Trends in digital marketing that people should be talking about but are not

Why Home Builders Should Upgrade to a More Powerful CRM: A Marketing Perspective

Posted 8.21.2023

Image Source: https://www.hubspot.com/products/reporting-dashboards

In today’s digital age, the real estate and homebuilding industry is not just about bricks and mortar; it’s about leveraging technology to enhance customer relationships and drive sales. While many homebuilders have already adopted Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems, there’s a growing need to transition from traditional, old-school CRMs to more dynamic platforms like HubSpot or Salesforce. Here’s why and what home builders need to know when choosing the best CRM for their business.

1. Enhanced Data Collection for Precise Marketing

Modern CRMs like HubSpot and Salesforce offer unparalleled data collection capabilities compared to their older counterparts. They can track:

– The source from which a buyer originated

– The specific ad a potential buyer interacted with

– Frequency of interactions with the website

– Specific pages viewed by the potential buyer

– Email interactions, including open rates, click-through rates, and reading duration

Person looking at their phone and smiling.

This depth of data provides insights not just into who is visiting the website or calling the builder but, more importantly, what motivates them to make a purchase. By understanding these nuances, builders can refine their marketing strategies, ensuring they target the right audience with precision.

2. Personalized and Consistent Follow-Up

The advanced automation capabilities of modern CRMs enable more personalized and consistent follow-ups. Here’s how:

Workflows for Tailored Communications

Depending on the interactions a potential buyer has had, be it model visits, email interactions or website visits, workflows can be set up to send tailored communications. For instance, if a visitor showed interest in a new home design, an automated email with more details about that design can be sent within 24 hours.

Email App Icon on Phone

Leveraging Sales Interactions for Ads

All interactions a potential buyer has with the sales staff can be integrated into the CRM. This data can then be used to create targeted ad campaigns. Imagine creating a retargeting ad for individuals who’ve visited the model home and engaged with your emails, offering them a special incentive. Such targeted efforts can significantly boost conversion rates.

Chart with an arrow going up

3. Effortless Data Visualization for Sales Teams

With modern CRMs, data visualization is not just about numbers but actionable insights. Sales teams can:

– Easily identify top prospects based on web history

– Monitor potential leads that might be losing interest

– Take proactive measures to re-engage potential buyers

2 People pointing at a laptop screen

For instance, if the CRM dashboard indicates that a particular lead, let’s say, John Smith, has reduced email interactions, the sales team can immediately reach out to rekindle interest.

Seizing the Future: Why More Modern CRMs are a Homebuilder’s Best Asset

Embracing advanced CRM platforms is essential for today’s homebuilders. With HubSpot and Salesforce, businesses benefit from top-tier data analytics, tailored automation, and potent visualization tools, offering a distinct competitive edge. In a sector where each lead is invaluable, utilizing these powerful platforms is the key to standout success.

For more insights and industry updates, stay tuned to rdgcreative.com

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