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Thinking Different for 30 Years

Our founder, Paula Rhoads and CEO Jason Rhoads

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Since 1993, Rhoads Creative has lived by one motto: we are not your typical ad agency. Instead, WE THINK DIFFERENT. To celebrate we've highlighted projects from our past that demonstrate the five core values of how we think different.

Continuing to Think Different

Even as digital marketing moves into AI, TikTok, and more, these five core values continue to define Rhoads Creative now and into the future.

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The Rhoad Less Traveled

Trends in digital marketing that people should be talking about but are not

Budgeting for 2024? Video Advertising is a Must!

Posted 10.16.2023

As we approach 2024, the vast world of digital marketing is ripe with opportunities. Amidst the myriad of options available, one avenue stands out for its unparalleled reach and return on investment: video advertising.

The Compelling ROI of Video Advertising

Recent data underscores the power and efficacy of video advertising, primarily through streaming platforms. A striking example from the West Coast highlights a builder achieving an impressive 115,142 impressions and 7,504 video views in just 30 days – all for an investment of only $508. This showcases the monumental brand reach achievable with a modest budget.

Broad Usage Across Demographics

Platforms like YouTube in the USA have a vast reach across all age groups. For instance, there are approximately 18.9 million users aged 18-24 and 11.3 million users aged 65 and older, illustrating the platform’s widespread appeal.

Youtube on a phone

Streaming Services

A 2023 survey highlighted that nearly two-thirds of those aged 35-44 prefer movie streaming platforms. For those aged 55 and older, 40% predominantly use streaming services, slightly surpassing the 38% who prefer cable.

Hulu icon

Why Tomorrow is Too Late

The digital realm waits for no one. Every moment delayed is an opportunity missed. As competitors harness the power of video advertising, standing on the sidelines isn’t just a passive stance; it’s a step backward.

Losing Ground to Competitors

Early adopters gain a competitive edge by establishing their brand presence and engaging audiences first.

Missing Out on Key Demographics

Numbers don’t lie. With significant portions of various age groups gravitating towards video content, brands risk missing out on a massive audience segment.

Chart with an arrow going up

Rhoads Creative’s Approach to Video Advertising

At Rhoads Creative, we recognize the importance of a tailored strategy:

Platform Selection

Our campaigns align with your business goals. Depending on the target demographics, we leverage platforms ranging from YouTube to Live TV.

Hyper-Focused Targeting

We layer demographics into our strategy, ensuring the ads resonate with specific groups, be it those interested in new homes, browsing specific content, or meeting certain income criteria.


Success is quantified using key metrics such as impressions, views, and the percentage of video completion. Over time, these metrics allow us to refine our approach and optimize results.

Chart of youtube ad impressions rising

Make the Leap with Rhoads Creative

The future is video. And at Rhoads Creative, we’re poised to help you harness its immense potential. Our expertise lies in crafting video advertising campaigns that resonate, engage, and convert.

Don’t let another day slip by. Reach out to Rhoads Creative and let’s champion video advertising as the cornerstone of your 2024 marketing strategy.

"100 terms on page 1 of Google in under 3 months – and home sales are soaring!"

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